169 research outputs found

    The Shape and Profile of the Milky Way Halo as Seen by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey

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    We use Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey data for 170 deg^2, recalibrated and transformed to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey ugri photometric system, to study the distribution of near-turnoff main-sequence stars in the Galactic halo along four lines of sight to heliocentric distances of ~35 kpc. We find that the halo stellar number density profile becomes steeper at Galactocentric distances greater than R_(gal) ~ 28 kpc, with the power-law index changing from n_(inner) = ā€“2.62 Ā± 0.04 to n_(outer) = ā€“3.8 Ā± 0.1. In particular, we test a series of single power-law models and find them to be strongly disfavored by the data. The parameters for the best-fit Einasto profile are n = 2.2 Ā± 0.2 and R_e = 22.2 Ā± 0.4 kpc. We measure the oblateness of the halo to be q ā‰” c/a = 0.70 Ā± 0.01 and detect no evidence of it changing across the range of probed distances. The Sagittarius stream is detected in the l = 173Ā° and b = ā€“62Ā° direction as an overdensity of [Fe/H] ~ -1.5 dex stars at R_(gal) ~ 32 kpc, providing a new constraint for the Sagittarius stream and dark matter halo models. We also detect the Monoceros stream as an overdensity of [Fe/H] > -1.5 dex stars in the l = 232Ā° and b = 26Ā° direction at R_(gal) ā‰² 25 kpc. In the two sight lines where we do not detect significant substructure, the median metallicity is found to be independent of distance within systematic uncertainties ([Fe/H] ~ -1.5 Ā± 0.1 dex)

    A Case Repot of Madelungā€™s Disease in a 69 Years Old Man

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    Madelungā€™s disease is an extremely rare disorder of unknown etiology. It is characterized by the huge, bilateral, fatty deposits in regions of the neck, shoulders and the upper extremities. A 69-old patient with developed symptoms of Madelungā€™s disease with a 12-years history is described in this study. The patient was initially considered to have a goiter and chronic heart insufficiency, for which he has been treated for three years. Although the Madelungā€™s disease can be diagnosed right after detailed clinical examination, this study pointed out possible diagnostic and therapeutic mistakes when a physician in a differentiation of symmetrical neck and shoulder swellings doesnā€™t consider the possibility of diagnosing a Madelungā€™s disease

    Intrauterine device migration to the urinary bladder

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    The intrauterine device (IUD) is a common method of contraception among women. As one of complications of IUD, perforation occurs in approximately 1-2 in 1000 insertions. Although migration of IUD may pursue asymptomatic course, symptoms of migration to the urinary bladder can include lower urinary tract symptoms, stone formation around the IUD and uterovesical fistula. In this report, we present a case of an IUD migration into the urinary bladder of a 34-year-old woman at the Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb


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    U ovom radu promatrala se razina zapoÅ”ljivosti u tvrtki Ina d.d.,odnosno koliko Ina kao jedna od najvećih tvrtki u Republici Hrvatskoj utječe na politiku smanjenja nezaposlenosti,te kakva je politika managementa u procesu donoÅ”enja odluka u svezi zapoÅ”ljavanja novih kadrova kao i sami uvjeti rada u istoimenoj tvrtki. Na početku rada promatrano je kretanje razine zaposlenosti u cijeloj državi u odabranom periodu,potom su se obrađivali podaci u vezi poslovanja same kompanije koji su se uspoređivali s kretanjem razine zaposlenosti u Ini. U nastavku rada su obrađeni rezultati anketnog upitnika koji je proveden među djelatnicima tvrtke kako bi se ispitala razina zadovoljstva postojećih kadrova. Kada su se saželi svi obrađeni podaci,doneseni su zaključci o prihvaćanju/odbacivanju postavljenih hipoteza.In this paper looked at the level of employability in the company INA d.d. as much as one of the largest companies in Croatia affects the policy of reducing unemployment, and what is the policy of management in the decision making process regarding the employment of new personnel as well as their own working conditions in the homonymous companies. At the beginning of the observed trends in employment levels across the country in the selected period, then were processed data from the operations of the company itself which is compared with the movement of the level of employment in INA. The remainder of this paper deals with the results of a questionnaire which was conducted among employees of the company to examine the level of satisfaction with the existing staff. When all processed data summarized, conclusions were made on the acceptance / rejection of the hypotheses


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    U ovom radu promatrala se razina zapoÅ”ljivosti u tvrtki Ina d.d.,odnosno koliko Ina kao jedna od najvećih tvrtki u Republici Hrvatskoj utječe na politiku smanjenja nezaposlenosti,te kakva je politika managementa u procesu donoÅ”enja odluka u svezi zapoÅ”ljavanja novih kadrova kao i sami uvjeti rada u istoimenoj tvrtki. Na početku rada promatrano je kretanje razine zaposlenosti u cijeloj državi u odabranom periodu,potom su se obrađivali podaci u vezi poslovanja same kompanije koji su se uspoređivali s kretanjem razine zaposlenosti u Ini. U nastavku rada su obrađeni rezultati anketnog upitnika koji je proveden među djelatnicima tvrtke kako bi se ispitala razina zadovoljstva postojećih kadrova. Kada su se saželi svi obrađeni podaci,doneseni su zaključci o prihvaćanju/odbacivanju postavljenih hipoteza.In this paper looked at the level of employability in the company INA d.d. as much as one of the largest companies in Croatia affects the policy of reducing unemployment, and what is the policy of management in the decision making process regarding the employment of new personnel as well as their own working conditions in the homonymous companies. At the beginning of the observed trends in employment levels across the country in the selected period, then were processed data from the operations of the company itself which is compared with the movement of the level of employment in INA. The remainder of this paper deals with the results of a questionnaire which was conducted among employees of the company to examine the level of satisfaction with the existing staff. When all processed data summarized, conclusions were made on the acceptance / rejection of the hypotheses

    Dynamical Origin of Extrasolar Planet Eccentricity Distribution

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    We explore the possibility that the observed eccentricity distribution of extrasolar planets arose through planet-planet interactions, after the initial stage of planet formation was complete. Our results are based on ~3250 numerical integrations of ensembles of randomly constructed planetary systems, each lasting 100 Myr. We find that for a remarkably wide range of initial conditions the eccentricity distributions of dynamically active planetary systems relax towards a common final equilibrium distribution, well described by the fitting formula dn ~ e exp[-1/2 (e/0.3)^2] de. This distribution agrees well with the observed eccentricity distribution for e > 0.2, but predicts too few planets at lower eccentricities, even when we exclude planets subject to tidal circularization. These findings suggest that a period of large-scale dynamical instability has occurred in a significant fraction of newly formed planetary systems, lasting 1--2 orders of magnitude longer than the ~1 Myr interval in which gas-giant planets are assembled. This mechanism predicts no (or weak) correlations between semimajor axis, eccentricity, inclination, and mass in dynamically relaxed planetary systems. An additional observational consequence of dynamical relaxation is a significant population of planets (>10%) that are highly inclined (>25deg) with respect to the initial symmetry plane of the protoplanetary disk; this population may be detectable in transiting planets through the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, conclusions updated to reflect the current observational constraint

    Treatment Cost of Patients with Maxillofacial Fractures at the University Hospital in Mostar 2002ā€“2006

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    The aim of this study was to establish the costs structure of medical treatment for the patients with maxillofacial fractures, to perform a treatment cost evaluation, describe the factors which considerably influence the costs and discover the ways of achieving financial savings in treated patients. The study group consisted of patients with maxillofacial fractures who were admitted and treated at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the University Hospital Mostar in the period from January 2002 until December 2006. Data for the study were collected from the patientsā€™ databases, case histories and data obtained on the basis of individual payments for the treatment that was collected by Finance Department of the University Hospital of Mostar. Most patients in this study were men (83%), of average age 34Ā±19 years. Zygomatic bone fracture was the commonest injury. Open surgical procedure was performed in 84.7% of treated cases. The costs for the open procedure were considerably higher than conservative treatment. Medication cost made up a total of 37.9% and cost of hospital accommodation 27.3% out of total hospital charge. Cost reduction in treated patients with maxillofacial fractures should be achieved through protocols of urgent treatment of maxillofacial trauma patients immediately after sustaining an injury and with earlier discharge of the patients when postoperative complications are not expected

    Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors of Young People Related to Drinking and Driving in Mostar Region, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The traffic accidents became the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among young population groups during the late 60s and early 70s. Among several European countries that are in transition, Bosnia and Herzegovina takes the leading place in fatal traffic accidents. In this study we have investigated knowledge, attitudes and behavior of young people related to alcohol impaired driving. Our aim was to investigate the patterns and behavior among young people that could be useful for public health intervention among them. This is of special interest as there is a lack of such information from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study was performed in the city of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study included 189 examinees of both genders, aged between 18 and 24 years, who have been divided in two groups: students of the University of Mostar and those who did not go for further education after high school (nonstudents). Sampling was performed in July 2006 in Mostar and surrounding area. The Gallup organization questionnaire was used. Descriptive statistic test and chi-square were used in statistical analysis. Result of this study could be helpful in taking preventive measures for lowering number of traffic accidents among young people or they could be base in some protective programs for increasing traffic safety
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